The Christmas season is upon me with all of its tastes, sounds, colors, and experiences. Reds and greens fill my home with festive color. Yummy treats and holiday favorites are prepared. Cookie dough is rolled out by small hands and cut into holiday shapes. Sprinkles and frosting cover the table after cookie masterpieces have been prepared....
Gingerbread houses are constructed from tasty confections while sticky fingers enjoy the labor...
Beautiful memories are made of times like these. Times that are somewhat messy and very busy, but times that are full of love and laughter. Flour covered floors, frosted table legs, sparkled carpets are some of the messes left behind after so much creativity. Yet the wonderful time spent together remains imprinted upon my memory long after the messes are cleaned up. It is my favorite season of the year!
1 comment:
Pretty pictures! & cute kids!!!
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